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Renewing Your Policy

About: Renewal time

Renewal time presents an ideal opportunity for you to determine if your group requires any additional cover. 
For example, since you last took out/renewed your Insurance, there may have been changes to your group that have increased your risk factors. If this is the case, you will need to let us know during the renewal process to update your Insurance accordingly. This is also an opportunity to review the contact details for your group, including the situation address of your group is correct and up to date.

Renewal Steps:

Renewal Steps: When you receive a renewal notice for your Insurance policy, it means that your current coverage is about to expire.



When you receive a renewal notice for your Insurance policy, it means that your current coverage is about to expire. 

If you hold an annual policy with LCIS, it will come up for renewal 2-4 weeks before the due date. 



To ensure uninterrupted coverage, it's crucial to pay the renewal premium by the specified due date.

If payment is not received before the due date, we will continue your cover for 14 days to ensure no gaps in coverage in the event of late payment.



To ensure uninterrupted coverage, it's crucial to pay the renewal premium by the specified due date.

To renew your policy and continue to protect your community group, please enter the quote number we have emailed to your nominated email address. 

Renewal Process:

Renewal reminders:

When you receive a renewal notice for your Insurance policy, it means that your current coverage is about to expire.
If you hold an annual policy with LCIS, it will come up for renewal 2-4 weeks before the due date. At this time, when your policy is due to renew with us, we will notify you via your nominated email address. You will continue to receive renewal reminders from us until your policy has been paid, or your policy has lapsed.

Renewal due date:
When you receive a renewal notice for your Insurance policy, it means that your current coverage is about to expire. It's an opportunity for you to continue your protection for another term. To ensure uninterrupted coverage, it's crucial to pay the renewal premium by the specified due date.

If payment is not received before the due date, we will continue your cover for 14 days to ensure no gaps in coverage in the event of late payment.

After this time, payment is not received your Insurance policy will lapse. In simple terms, this means that your policy will no longer be active, and you won't have Insurance coverage. Without Insurance, you leave yourself exposed to potential risks and losses.  If your policy lapses and you later decide to reinstate your coverage, you may have to go through a new application process. This will involve additional paperwork, and potentially higher premiums.

In the event your Insurance has been lapsed and cancelled due to non-payment, LCIS requires you to submit a completed application to re-quote the risk.  Once we receive the application, we will provide you with the terms for the new Insurance period. However, please note that we cannot proceed without written confirmation and payment received to activate the new policy cover for the upcoming Insurance period.

Please keep in mind that we cannot provide coverage for any period of time before we receive the payment. Insurance coverage begins on the date that we receive the payment, and we are unable to backdate any coverage.

Note: This strictly excludes event policies. Insurance is to be paid for prior to inception of the event otherwise cover ceases.

Any questions?

We’re here to help with all your Insurance and risk management related enquiries.  If there is any information on our website you do not understand, if you require clarification on our policies, or renewal, please contact us.

The above statements are issued as a matter of information only and for full terms and conditions you should refer to the Policy Wording.
LCPA# 24/497.