Claims Examples

Group discussion
Sports club

Dispute between two factions (parent of players) on committee.

One faction left and formed a new rival club in same league.

Their children and others requested transfer to the new Club and were denied on the basis of ‘required player(s)’.

Legal action resulted — intending players wanting transfer vs club denying release vs State Association.

Support/welfare organisation

Unfair dismissal — CEO contract of employment was terminated.

Claim was damages for breach of contract, assertion of failure of due process and lack of substantive reasons to justify termination.

Peak body (professional association)

Breach of copyright

Insured organised national conference and in doing so used an old format invitation displaying a logo for which permission has not been sought to use.

Disability advocacy service

Person was receiving counselling with employee of service.

Employee entered a relationship with the person they were counselling. The allegation was employee took advantage of the person at time of grief and breached duty of trust.

Professional association

Claimant was removed from National Board position and membership of association terminated.

Allegation was discrimination due to disability.

Cultural Committee — National Celebration Event

Unfair dismissal.

Prosecuted claim in the Fair Work Commission.

Peak Body (Community Accommodation)

Alleged unfair dismissal despite proof of theft of substantial funds on over 100 occasions.

Prosecuted claim in the Fair Work Commission which was defended.

Precinct Business Owners Association

Alleged defamation.

Resulted from comments by an Officer against an individual who was a prominent business owner in the location.

Community Club — Cultural Group

Alleged defamation.

Comments by officer expressed concern that video’s posted by member might potentially be detrimental to the Club as they contain Adolf Hitler’s most important speeches.

State Sporting Body

Procedural dispute.

Denial of representation on National Board of Governance, a position held for some years, following the election of a new State President.